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 Sujet du message: [V2] C & J MULTIMEDIA INC DVX480 (... GOWELL DVX470) [EN
MessagePosté: Sam Nov 25, 2006 10:28 am 
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Inscription: Sam Nov 25, 2006 10:07 am
Messages: 1
hi all,

english forum does not seem to work so i'll post this report here.

now, firstly, in the long manual you say big BRAVO to readers who have reached the end of the manual. well, so a HUGE B*R*A*V*O to you guys for developing a great utility. i had long been thinking about being able to fully test a home divx player. now, it can be done thanks to you.

next, pay close attention:

this divx player is being sold at carrefour in Spain at 39.90 euros.

the box displays:

model: DVX 480

no info about manufacturer website, ugrades whatsoever. however when you check the firmware version things begin to turn interesting:


wow! So this C & J MULTIMEDIA INC seems to be a true GOWELL!!!

i have read the post ... light=hd65

about Gowell DVX470 and it seems both GOWELL DVX470 and C & J MULTIMEDIA INC DVX480 are just the same the only difference being a firmware update as the DVX470 firmware date is 20050825 and the DVX480 is 20051108.

What's more the pictures posted in the same topic show a very similar remote control (almost the same one i'd say!)

Just compare:

Gowell dvx470 V3
Firmware: 20050825

Firmware: Gowell_Macrovision_2005_11_08

The official Gowell webpage

does not provide any info on DVX470 or DVX480...

so how to apply for firmare updates in the future is a question to be answered...

expect my report in a few days.



[V2] C & J MULTIMEDIA INC DVX480 (... GOWELL DVX470) [EN - Visitez les publicités pour soutenir Planète Numérique


 Sujet du message: Re: [V2] C & J MULTIMEDIA INC DVX480 (... GOWELL DVX470) [EN
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 11, 2012 7:03 am 
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Inscription: Mer Jan 11, 2012 6:53 am
Messages: 1
Thanks for the information about Gowell. Using it I was able to make my C&J Multimedia DVD DIVX CM DVX480 player (Númere Serie EDVX4800008168V1, purchased 13 October 2006 at Centros Comerciales Carrefour, Poeta Muñoz San Ramón, s/n, 41900 Camas, 954-349-700) free of region codes. A site ( said that one can make a Gowell DVX-470 region free with power on, tray open, entering 2, 8, 1, 2, and pressing enter enough times to select region 9, which seems to correspond to multiple regions. It worked!

 Sujet du message: Re: [V2] C & J MULTIMEDIA INC DVX480 (... GOWELL DVX470) [EN
MessagePosté: Ven Fév 17, 2012 8:36 pm 
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Inscription: Ven Fév 17, 2012 8:27 pm
Messages: 1

I purchased the LM DIVX480 just now from a friend. But he somehow lost the manual. My question is how to disable the blue light on the tray, because it's shining so hard that it almost get me a migraine attack :P

Thanks in advance

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