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 Sujet du message: [ENGLISH VISITORS] Read this !
MessagePosté: Jeu Mar 17, 2005 9:11 pm 
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Inscription: Dim Juil 20, 2003 11:46 am
Messages: 9277
That was announced when we launched the English version of DivxTest : thanks to our partner for divx players reviews Divxtest can at last be discussed in English on an already well-known an active board : MPC-Club (was Mpeg-Playcenter).

We're proud and happy to announce to the English speaking community that you will now be able to share your comments and experiences about our test CD, but also and before all share your own results in the dedicated section of MPC.
That's a new step ahead for the project : we will get more feedback, therefore have more reliable results and also we will be able to list completely new divx players that were not considered before.

created by Hi-jack, the admin of , who follows and supports our project since a long time already.

Pas disponible dans les prochains temps >> plus de MP, merci de votre compréhension


[ENGLISH VISITORS] Read this ! - Visitez les publicités pour soutenir Planète Numérique


 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Jeu Mai 17, 2007 10:19 am 
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Inscription: Dim Avr 22, 2007 1:14 am
Messages: 11
On mpc Forum the English section of DivXtest had moved to an other place.
here is the new pointer:

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